Day 8 – A bungee jump, elephants, and a cruise

Today was the day, or so I had hoped, to do my first ever sky dive. Unfortunately despite the beautiful weather we’d had up until this point some sort of cold front that brought with it mist and the threat of a fairly big storm popped out of nowhere to ruin any chances of a jump. Jules was very accommodating so, after re-scheduling tentatively for the following day, we decided to head out to Bloukrans Bridge so that I could do my first every bungee jump. The rest of the day sort of just fell into place with a lunch at Monkeyland and a visit with the elephants in the afternoon followed by a relaxing cruise on a catamaran.

  • Bloukrans Bridge. As far as I know the bungee jump off Bloukrans Bridge at 216 metres is the highest commercial bungee jump in the world. According to the Guinesss Book of World Records that is. Though I wasn’t exactly nervous about the jump I certainly felt more apprehensive about it than the sky dive which I was still hoping to do. Unfortunately I couldn’t get Jules out on the platform with me but I quickly made friends with my fellow jumpers. There are a number of options at Bloukrans Bridge – you can walk out to the jump site, do the zip line or do the bungee jump or do all of them. In our group a good half walked out to the jump site only so I don’t know how they felt when we were all jumping off one by one. I would have certainly felt left out! At the jump site the music is pumped up and was certainly a factor in getting the adrenalin going. The first nervous moment was when we had to step up to the edge of the platform but as our lower legs were tied it was a case of hopping over. Although you’re supported by two of the guys to ensure you don’t accidentally hop over it still felt like it was a risk. The jump itself was easy and simply amazing. It is a very definitely free fall and surprisingly the whip back wasn’t even that harsh. The jump is so high you practically do to falls! Simply breathtaking. The second nervous moment was when I was hanging there waiting to be dragged back up. Although I knew better I couldn’t help but think that I might slip out of my bindings and go crashing into the forest below. I so wanted to do it again! Jumping off backwards this time! No time unfortunately … Below is a video of my jump

  • Lunch at Monkeyland. Basically a space for monkeys to freely roam our visit to Monkeyland today was brief but definitely not unmemorable. It was worth mentioning simply for the fact that one of the crazy monkeys tried to grab my chicken sandwich. Personally I don’t blame the monkey cause the sandwich was REALLY good but still! He gave a really good tug and I nearly lost it.
  • The Elephant Sanctuary. Aside from the fact that our host looked just like Denzel Washington the Elephant Sanctuary was special as it gave us the chance to interact with the gentle giants of the forest. Home to six African elephants the Sanctuary is attempting to do something no one else has done – re-integrate “domesticated” elephants into the wild. In the mean time tourists get the chance to touch, feed, walk trunk-in-hand and even ride the elephants. Definitely a unique experience.
  • Sunset cruise on catamaran. Ironically the “bad” weather that stopped me doing my skyjump actually proved to be a bonus for our catamaran cruise because although the sky wasn’t the beautiful blue that we’d been used to the storm apparently caused to ocean to be quite calm so not only were we able to putter around the Knysna Lagoon we were able to head out to sea for a bit. Along the way we, or Jules, enjoyed a nice bit of wine a delicious seafood/anti-pasta platter.