Day 10/11 – A bit of PE but mostly Shamwari

So its probably not a good sign that every South African we’ve spoken to during this holiday does not have the best things or anything really to say about Port Elizabeth. Just as well we were only using it as a break in our trip before heading out for an overnight stay at the Shamwari Game Reserve. It was more than enough to spend a couple of hours in Port Elizabeth although it does have a nice sort of walkway by the beach and “The Boardwalk” which is a mish mash of shops, a fair and a casino! Wasn’t game quite game enough to try and get into the casino with my flip flops and long shorts.

The game reserve wasn’t actually too long out of Port Elizabeth but seemed to take a long time as we were once again taken onto some unpaved roads. We arrived just in time for a three course lunch (well, we weren’t sure it if was supposed to be but we made it a three courser!) and with enough time to take a bit of a siesta before our afternoon drive.

I didn’t realise it at the time we booked but Shamwari was actually quite the luxury reserve. I mean many celebrities have come out to Shamwari including one Tiger Woods and he even stayed at our lodge! There are six lodges spread out across the reserve but Bayethe sounded the most interesting as you are basically staying in an ultra luxurious tent. This was definitely the most expensive bit of our trip and in all probability was almost equal to the cost of the rest of our trip! It was money well spent though because next to the luxury accommodation we were also served beautiful high quality food and the cost included two game drives and as much drink as you wanted.

Our tent was beautiful and had a lot of novelty factor. For example, although you could take a bath inside it was much more fun washing yourself in the outdoor shower! I was a bit nervous at first that there would be prying eyes – either our next door neighbours or maybe a giraffe or gazelle or even a rhino – but after a while I stopped worrying and enjoyed being in the outdoors. Even though it was freezing out the shower had to be experienced! We also had our own little plunge pool which we unfortunately didn’t even try because it was definitely too cold for that.

Everyone knows that I like the cold but it even got to me so I had to make an emergency fleece buy. I was soooo glad I did because in the trucks, which are fairly open, the wind was ice-cold and even the ponchos and blankets did little to block it out so if your guide says to wear something warm make sure to listen to him/her.

So, you go out in groups of six (max) for game drives. We had a really nice guide, Mzi, and he certainly had a lot of stories to tell. He was also fairly good at trying to get around to see all the animals because he was conscious that Jules and I were only staying for one night (most people stay for two so they get four game drives.) I also liked the fact he was very humble and so funny. He played a very good straight man. Our fellow gamers were also really quite friendly and sharing so I think that made our experience quite a good one.

Of the Big 5 we missed out on the Leopard and Buffalo. On the other hand we did get to see both black and white Rhinos (not a very common occurrence) alongside with the Elephant and Lions. Of course we saw plenty of other wildlife including giraffes, zebras, warthog, antelope, boks etc. The baby versions were the highlights – they were so cute. Its nice to see the animals in a relatively natural habitat despite all our little trucks zooming all about the place.

The experience at Shamwari was simply amazing although at times I felt a bit like an imposter in such luxurious surrounds!