Music and Lyrics

This romcom starring Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore was a lot of fun from the catchy pop tunes to the snappy one liners from Hugh Grant to the general appeal of Hugh and Drew as a couple. Throw in Kristen Johnson as Drew’s crazy-about-Alex sister and it really does become a hoot.

Hugh is Alex Fletcher, a former pop icon of the 80s, whose gigs now consist of playing at theme parks and high school reunions. He is matter of fact about the decline in his popularity and this just adds to his appeal as he goes about resurrecting his career. His opportunity comes when he lands a job to write a new song for the latest young pop thing. He struggles with the lyrics when conveniently he discovers that Drew, his substitute plant waterer, has a talent with words. And so begins a very sweet romance.

This is undeniably one of those cute movies where everything said and done is just, well, so adorable. And it wasn’t let down at all by the typical failings of a romcom because it didn’t get overly sappy, or corny (though there are definitely some moments of corn!) or self-indulgent. It was just plain good fun.