Abacus … meat market?

A couple of people from work, Dave and Vishali, were having leaving do drinks tonight. Unfortunately I’d had another commitment so I wasn’t able to make it to the drinks until very late into the evening and by then the remaining number seemed to be ready to move on to the next event – Abacus at Bank. We decided to walk there (a good 15 minutes) but obviously this proved too much for some so in the end only Vishali, Sandra and I made it to the club.

Its nights like last night, or this morning, that sometimes makes me think that its time to hang up the dancing shoes. Don’t get me wrong I had a great time at Abacus, despite the fact it was a heaving meat market, but its waking up in the morning feeling like you haven’t gone to bed and knowing you have a full day of work ahead of you that is just a little wearying. Here are some photos from our evening out: