Porgy and Bess

Answer: An adaptation of an opera with music and lyrics by the Gershwins based on DuBose Heyward’s novel about the life of African Americans in South Carolina in the early 1930s currently on show at the Savoy  Theatre. A production that failed to hold my attention and was quite possibly, despite the brilliant vocal performances, one of the less interesting shows I’ve seen on the West End to date.

Question: What is Porgy and Bess: the Musical?

I booked Pat and I tickets to see Porgy and Bess on the strength of a recommendation made by a guy I met at Salsa dancing. It might possibly be the last time I take his advice!

It is the Great Depression in the early 1930s, Bess is the scarlet woman who is the lover of Crown, a bully and a lowlife. In a drunken fight Crown kills a man and has to flee leaving Bess behind to fend for herself. Bess finds solace in the cripple Porgy who is the only person in town that won’t judge her. Crown later returns and Porgy kills Crown and is arrested (though later released.) In the meantime Bess turns back to her old ways and runs off to New York. The musical ends with Porgy heading to New York to find Bess.

I’m not quite sure what to make of it in all honesty. Its a quality production as the sets are smooth and the singing was moving – some pieces actually brought tears to my eyes – but I think the story was just a tad depressing and slow-moving for me. The people around us seemed to enjoy it.

2 thoughts on “Porgy and Bess

  1. I also need to review what is recommended too… It wasn’t all that bad (or that great either) 🙂

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