Little Venice Canalway Calvacade

 Its been ages since I caught up with Elvira and Andrew so today they had me over for a Sunday lunch. Elvira’s sister, Caroline, is also now in town so it was good to catch up with her too. It was great to see them. After lunch we took a stroll to the Canalway Calvacade at nearby Little Venice. I’d actually planned on checking out this even later in the evening anyway with Sandra but I  guess it was a little different in the day to at night.

According to the IWA website (organisers of the calvacade) the Canalway Calvacade combines a boat rally with a trade show and a wide range of activities and entertainments. The walkway along the canal was  certainly heaving when we walked through this afternoon – a few times I thought I’d end up in the river! Its amazing how pushy some people are. It didn’t take us too long to make it from one end to another. The stalls that caught my interest was the fudge stall (yummy) and the pork stall (such a sucker for a roasting pig!) Too bad I was still full from the lunch that Andrew cooked to partake in anything.

 Coming back later that night with Sandra the atmosphere had totally changed as all the stalls which were all hustle and bustle this afternoon were shut and all the boat owners were simply relaxing on their boats. We’d come to see the “Parade of illuminated boats”. When I saw this on the programme it sounded like it might be something interesting but it literally was a parade of illuminated boats. I mean it was okay but it was hardly going to set my night on fire. Still it was quite nice to be out on the canal enjoying the fresh air on a relatively nice spring evening.