Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End but not At Pirate’s End

Really part II to Dead Man’s Chest At World’s End has the same, if not similar weaknesses to the the second movie – mainly the still wooden acting by two of its Keen Fanleads (lets say the monkey was one of the better actors) and a convoluted confusing story line that has you going huh? through a VERY VERY long movie.

Johnny Depp is stuck in Davy Jones’ Locker and Orlando and Keira form all sorts of alliances (including one to my surprise with Chow Yun-Fat) in order to rescue him so that they can, I don’t know, save the seas from the evil reign of the East India Company or something. Honestly all the double-crosses and betrayals had me confused about what everyone was setting out to do. Despite the confusion the movie was still fairly predictable with little to surprise the viewer. At least the movie ties up all the loose endings from the first two movies, though frustratingly it does leave a mini-opening for a fourth POTC!

The news isn’t all bad. The film is beautifully shot with some amazing action scenes and sometimes even emotion. Johnny Depp is once again brilliant for comic relief and I couldn’t help but admire his and Keira’s eye make up. Although Keira’s acting was disappointing she certainly had her fair share of demonstrating girl power and her action scenes were pretty well choreagraphed. Orlando was – hot!

All in all a mad fun romp which, if not memorable, will at least give you bang for your buck for its nearly 3 hour length.

2 thoughts on “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End but not At Pirate’s End

  1. Ah yes I agree, Captain Jack Sparrow (Aka Mr Depp) was definitely the star of the show and had he not been there I think the film would have been a flop, despite the gorgeous visuals and cinematography. Having said that, Geoffrey Rush (Barbossa) and the dude playing Davy Jones (Bill Nighy I think) were also strong characters, but nothing beats Jack and his swagger!

    I must admit I didn’t think Keira and Orlando acted that badly…in comparison to the rest of the main cast they had a hard act (No pun intended) to follow. I did feel that the film was about 30 min too long though and the action scene in the maelstrom could have been cut a bit. But these are minor points really.

    I was also highly annoyed by the slight opening to a fourth movie as to me it felt right to leave it at three. I would hate to see a good series upset by a fourth as let’s face it, it is always the last movie you remember the most.

    Oh and what was with Calypso? I was hoping she would have done some big bad ass thing once she was released but instead created a storm and whirlpool (Or at least that is what I think she did) and that was it. I was expecting a few massive waves, perhaps summoning of the Kraken 2 etc… something hectic would have been appropriate

    Before I sign off, I would like to add that the movie should have been titled “At wits end”. I found the plot combined with the sub-plot all very confusing and I know I will have to watch it again to try and decifer what the hell was going on. It was a movie about plots, and sub-plots of people plotting against each other… basically what you would expect pirates to do, but man was it a mind bender of note!

    It was good fun though.

  2. Hi Gary. I guess its true that Keira and Orlando didn’t really have much to work with in terms of the script and their characters.

    The most disappointing aspect was definitely Calypso which I forgot to mention in my review. Like you I was thinking that there would be some kick ass craziness ensuing after she was released and instead we got this random thing with crabs. What the?

    After all that is said and done I’m sure that if there should be a fourth movie we won’t be the only ones lining up to see it.

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