Simpsons The Movie

How can you take the mickey out of a movie that takes the mickey out of it itself including the gag at the beginning of the movie questioning why anyone would pay to see a cartoon that you can catch a on tv for free.

The plot of The Simpsons is basically the saving of Springfield and the saving of Homer. Homer manages to almost destroy his own family and the town by one simple act of pollution. Through a process of realisation, including some wierd scenes with the “Boob Lady”, Homer eventually brings home the bacon so to speak and saves the day.

Topically the themes in in The Simpsons are the environment and religion. (Heavier on the environment.) Themes we are no doubt sick of hearing about yet the vehicle of The Simpsons allows the messages to get across in a humorous poke-fun-at-the issue manner.

I was worried that I’d seen all the highlights in the trailers as is usually the case in these heavily-marketed, much-anticipated productions (nearly 15 years in the making or something crazy like that) but thankfully we hadn’t. The writing was smart, funny, contemporary and irreverant. And of course who can go past loving that adorable spider-pig. Hee-larious.

4 thoughts on “Simpsons The Movie

  1. My hobbies include clapping during songs, sitting still on trips and diabetes

  2. “Oh no, not black. Black is the worst colour there is…….Sorry Karl”

  3. Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig….hehehe. Saw the movie a couple of weeks ago at Southbank. Funny, & I enjoyed it – coz I like a good laugh. I think those familiar with The Simpsons would appreciate the movie more – that’s my 2 cents.

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