Ice Cream Boutique

Convinced by the hype I got Rita and Rache to come with me to the Ice Cream Boutique, run by The Icecreamists, which has opened up in Selfridges’ Ultralounge for a limited time. No one knows who exactly The Icecreamists are however they specialise in staging dramatic high-profile events. Whatever their political agenda we were only interested in their ice cream. Ha ha! We girls decided to mix things up a bit and start with ice cream (dessert) before heading onwards to our dinner (main course.)

However what we didn’t realise was just how rich and filling the ice cream would be.

Don’t be astonished by the prices on the Icecreamist menu because if there is one thing I want to say upfront is that the icecream was very very good quality. I do think they were still over-priced but I guess you were also paying an additional premium for the “drama” and the “entertainment” and the “atmosphere” that accompanies the ice-cream.

It’s a pretty cool joint. If you enter off the side street you are greeted by hot pink curtains black painted walls and a staircase that opens to reveal this:

Pretty different from an ordinary ice-cream parlour huh. Complete even with beach chairs:

So, what can you get? Well, some of the offerings on the menu were almost a little too cool for me and not entirely appropriate, methinks, for an early Tuesday evening. This included the “S*x Pistol” which involves “A classic Fior di Latte or Milk Ice Cream blended with Ginkgo Biloba, Arginine and Guarana for blood flow and energy. Scented with a gentle infusion of citrus zest. Topped with a shot of La Fee Absinthe. .” Not surprisingly I believe they have a limit of one customer on this offering. It also comes complete with a hot nurse and IV stand. You’ll also pa dearly for it – £19.99 a pop!

We three girls were salivating over the items on the menu. The prices were a little heart stopping but we thought since we were there we might as well treat it a like a “dinner” instead of a “dessert” and splash out a bit. Rache decided to split her order into two items: a Frozen Hot Chocolate (a few scoops of chocolate ice cream served with a thick chocolate sauce on the side) and a serving of ice cream: £7.99 and £4.99.

Rache’s Rita’s Mine

Rita arguably went for the most decadent offering out of our three choices. She opted for a “The Chocoholic” (priced at £16.99.) Although the description rabbits on about “one night stands”, “marriage proposals”, “x-rated” in essence it was hot thick Belgian chocolate poured over about five generous scoops of dark chocolate ice-cream. Its now wonder Rita appeared to enter an ice-cream/sugar coma soon after consuming her dish. It was cutely served in a silver top hat which was oh so tempting to sneak into my bag …

Finally I was feeling a bit greedy and wanting to taste several of the ice-creams so I went for the Queen Size Sub Zero Banqueting Menu – £14.99. Most normal diners probably share this between two …

Flavour-wise we found the following on the menu: Vanilla Ice Baby, Obamarama (Chocolate ice cream), Obamarama at the White House (Swiss White Chocolate ice cream), Choland Yard, Nuts about Chocland Yard, Nevermind the Hazelnut, Taking the Pistacchio, Espresso Yourself, Carameltdown, Living in Cinnamon, The Custardy Suite, The Molotofee Cocktail, Glastonberry, Lemony of the State and the ice creams I ended up choosing: Vogue (Licorice), Gingiana Jones, Axl Rose-Water and Born & Bread (English Brown Bread Ice Cream.)

I tell ya – someone sure had fun naming things on the menu.

By the time we were done with our ice-cream we were seriously done in and also seriously on sugar overloads. I was craving something savoury something chronic but at the same time the thought of eating anymore nearly made my physically sick. It was too much! LOL. Even Rita, our ultimate dessert queen, was dying from finishing off her dish.

In all honesty though the ice cream was good I felt that it was seriously over-priced. I think to some extent this was reflected in the number of customers when we first when it – which was not very many at all. In addition I felt that service was kind of a bit half-hearted. One manager was really funny and really friendly but the rest of them were awful. We walked into the place and not really knowing what to do there was no one to either direct us to the counter to put our orders in or direct us to a table for table-service. There was a girl standing around with a clip-board looking all maitre d’ like but she didn’t seem interested in helping us at all. It was very confusing. Even having one of the waitresses get up and sing (pretty decently mind you) didn’t really make up for it.

At least we had some good ice cream.