Dinner Party: Mike and Vanessa’s

Mike and Vanessa decided to host a dinner party tonight and as Pat volunteered to do a bit of the cooking combined with Mike and Vanessa’s input the only task I had to manage was turning up. Lucky me!

Boy, I’m full just thinking about everything we ate which included Singapore Chilli Crab, Pork Gyoza, Pad Thai, Pistachio cookies and Pistachio ice-cream courtesy of Pat and Beef Rendang, Chinese Beans, and Dessert Wine (very yummy) courtesy of Mike and Vanessa.

It was a really good feast with some very lovely company (Tom, Pat’s roommate, and Ajit, a guy who used to work with them but currently living in the US, also joined us.) Although because the four boys at one stage or another worked together some of the conversation did turn to gossip about work and technical other stuff at times! They did try to keep it at a minimum …

A fantastic night. More incentive for me to get my own place and host a dinner party of my own!