Pauline’s Leaving Do: Strawberry Moons

So tonight was Pauline’s official leaving do 🙁 at Strawberry Moons For good it seems this time. It will be very sad to see her leave since she’s been such a big part of my life, if not necessarily for a long time, at least for a lot of important moments. We just clicked from the moment we met (not to sound too sappy!) But everyone has to go their own paths eventually I guess and Pauline’s path is taking her back to Melbourne. The only consolation is that these days 10,000+ miles isn’t as far as 10,000+ miles used to be (plus I’ll see her a couple of more times before she actually departs this country.)

Oh boy you know when Strawberry Moons is the venue that its going to get messy … very quickly. Happy hour meant that we were getting jug after jug of cocktails before 8pm. At one stage I’m sure someone came over to the table with about six jugs at once! And then The Wongo was unleashed – before we knew it there was a bottle of Moet on the table and then, the inevitable, shots. That boy is dangerous. Very dangerous.

It was a good night out though because everyone drank so much so quickly early on only few of us remained at the end of the night (and Peter was so drunk that he was opening his mouth but no sound was coming out and he left the Moons without picking up his briefcase!)

Though that’s not to say that stopped Pauline and I getting our requisite photo with work hottie Neil:

Heh heh.

But the funniest moment of the night was when we ran into Caroline’s admirer:

That dude must live here.