Cadbury World

Considering Cadbury World has been on my to do list for a number of years now I shouldn’t be surprised that when Sandra and I finally made it the “Adventure” it was kind of .. a let down.

In hindsight perhaps visiting on a Saturday wasn’t the best choice, as it was extremely busy, but neither of us were willing to sacrifice a day at work to come visit. At any rate strangely, as the day unfolded, the most irritating and rudest individuals were the adults. In particular this middle-aged Indian couple who I’m sure didn’t even have children with them. But I digress.

So Cadbury World consists of the major exhibition, which is built around the factory and at the end of which you are spat into The World’s Biggest Cadbury Shop, the Bourneville Experience, which “celebrates the founding of the Cadbury factory and the Bournville village” and Essence where, after watching a presentation, you get to create your own flavoured liquid chocolate.

The journey through Cadbury World is a self-guided journey. You make your way through various exhibitions and visual presentations. Though they advise that it will take a couple of hours we whipped through it in less than an hour not including the time we spent waiting in line for Cadabra (an It’s A Small World-esque type ride but with cocoa beans.) Highlights would have been the demonstration area (had it not been so crowded) and seeing the factory in operation. The Purple Planet, an interactive play area, would have also been fun if we’d had the place to ourselves. We did, however, get a few bits of chocolate at various spots and at Essence you get to drink liquid chocolate and make you’re on concoction (choose two ingredients to dump into the liquid chocolate.)

I guess I’m glad I’ve been to Cadbury World and I imagine it would have been more fun visiting with a kid who could appreciate the magic and simplicity of the presentations. I would well advise anyone visiting to look for discounts because to pay full price … well, there are better uses for £14.

It was a total loss. I’m thinking we spent most of our time in the Cadbury Shop and best find of the day – the Cadbury Magical Elves which were a combination of milk chocolate and popping candy! Score!

Thanks anyway to Sandra for driving us up to Cadbury World.