House of Flying Daggers

The House of Flying Daggers begins with the classic story of the capture of a Robin Hood style of group, the House of Flying Daggers by the local deputies. However, it soon turns into a love story and there are sufficient twists and turns to keep you wondering.

The three main characters are bold and well acted. Andy Lau delivers a solid performance. Zhang Ziyi appears to have matured from her Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon role and Takeshi Kaneshiro is just plain gorgeous. *swoon*

This is definitely a big screen movie which is needed to appreciate the beauty of the martial arts action and cinematography. You can see the hand of Zhang Yimou in this film with all scenes being amazingly colourful and captivating though I must admit sometimes you felt like some scenes were extended just for the “view” rather than having any significance to the story.

Definitely worth a look though those looking for action that ultimately it is a love story.

2 thoughts on “House of Flying Daggers

  1. I think rehana is taking me to see this next week – am i going to want to
    walk out of the cinema?
    Hope you are enjoying your hols

  2. Are you set for a romance type movie? I found it okay for the cinematics and the cute lead. Not sure you’ll be up for the same thing. Hols have been fab.

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